Honey Butter Carrots

A humble favorite during the holidays, honey glazed carrots taste tender and sweet. Carrots are infused with spices to perfection in a single appliance, making it easy and convenient.

Level: 1
Prep time: 10min
Cook time: 15min

  • Whole carrots: 1/2lb
  • Honey: 2T
  • Butter: 3T
  • Fresh thyme: 1t
  • Black pepper: 1t
  • Salt: 1t


  1. Place carrots with 1/2c water into the pot and set cooker to [VEGETABLE] for 15min.
  2. Once steamed drain water and set cooker to [BROWNING FRY level.#3] and add honey, butter, thyme, salt, pepper and stir carrots into the sauce.
  3. To finish place carrots on to a dish, pour remaining honey butter sauce on top and garnish with fresh thyme.


We recommend a multi-pressure cooker with a vegetable and browning mode like CUCKOO's 5-Quart/6-Quart Premium Multi-Pressure Cooker (CMC-ASB501F/CMC-ASB601F) that ensures root vegetables tenderize and flavors infuse deeply.

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